Quantity Price Name
online sales closed $300.00

Centennial Gala Ticket - Diamond

Diamond Patrons will participate in a special patrons’ champagne toast at the Centennial Gala, receive a thank you gift bag from the Centennial Committee, and receive acknowledgement in the invitation (if purchased by August 26), welcoming remarks and the program.
online sales closed $200.00

Centennial Gala Ticket - Ruby

Ruby Patrons will participate in a special patrons’ champagne toast at the Centennial Gala and receive acknowledgement in the program.
online sales closed $100.00

Centennial Gala Ticket - Pearl

Standard ticket to the Centennial Gala
online sales closed $5,000.00

Centennial Gala Sponsor - Grand Benefactor

10 Diamond Patron Tickets to the Centennial Gala * Full-page program ad * Name and logo on event signage * Recognition in program and website * Recognition in press releases * Listed on the gala invitation (reserve by August 26) * Acknowledged in welcoming remarks * Featured on social media and weekly newsletter
online sales closed $3,000.00

Centennial Gala Sponsor - Changemaker

4 Tickets to the Centennial Gala * Full-page program ad * Name and logo on event signage * Recognition in program and website * Recognition in press releases * Listed on the gala invitation (reserve by August 26) * Acknowledged in welcoming remarks * Featured on social media and weekly newsletter
online sales closed $2,000.00

Centennial Gala Sponsor - Trailblazer

2 Tickets to the Centennial Gala * Half-page program ad * Name and logo on event signage * Recognition in program and website * Recognition in press releases * Listed on the gala invitation (reserve by August 26) * Acknowledged in welcoming remarks * Featured on social media and weekly newsletter
online sales closed $1,000.00

Centennial Gala Sponsor - Leader

Half Page program ad * Name and logo on event signage * Recognition in program and website * Recognition in press releases * Acknowledged in welcoming remarks * Featured on social media and weekly newsletter
online sales closed $500.00

Centennial Gala Program Ad - Full Page

online sales closed $250.00

Centennial Gala Program Ad - Half Page

online sales closed $100.00

Centennial Gala Program Ad - Business Card

online sales closed $0.00

Centennial Gala Program Ad - COMP

Support JLSN's Centennial Gala with a Tax-Deductible Donation:
