Active, Associate Active, Leave of Absence members, if you are unable to attend the April General Membership Meeting and wish to vote, please use this absentee ballot to register your vote in favor of, or opposed to, the slates proposed below.

Your vote will be confidential but not anonymous.

2016-2017 Board Slate
President:  Stephanie O'Brien
President-Elect:  Char Zoller
Treasurer:  Sam Albrecht
Secretary:  Nicole DiGiose
Membership:  Jessica Knowles
Communications:  Caroline Sadowska
Community:  Sarah Donaldson
Fundraising:  Kerry Safir
Sustainer Director:  Cindy Giglio
Nominating Placement Director:  Tammy Roberts


Nominating-Placement Slate
Assistant Director:  Lizzie Apy
Maria Williams


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